The Poetry of Behnam RahimiHome
The Silkworm's Lament

ناله کرم ابریشم

کرم ابریشم میگفت
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بهنام رحیمی

The Silkworm's Lament

The silkworm spoke,
How sweet is the last leaf!
Why must I become a butterfly?
Who desires my departure?
The flower?
Who crafts the flight of becoming a butterfly?
Why must I sting upon the nectar of a flower?
If desired, wings could carry me to the sanctuary,
To the garden, and set me free,
Behind the ruins of July's heat!
Should no butterfly behold the frost flower?
Am I indebted to anyone for my transformation?
I must weave my sorrow into a cocoon,
Oh, friend!!
Behnam Rahimi