The Poetry of Behnam RahimiHome
Mesmerized Eyes and Pounding Pride

چشمان مسحور و غرور متلاطم

بچشمت خیره گشتم، خیره در من بود چشمانت!
غرورت با هزاران موج میکوبید
سر خود رابسنگا سنگ این درهم شکسته ساحل در خون خود الوده ی متروک!
نبردی بود و دردی بود و درهم پیچش
سر پنجه سای خشم ببری بر فراز قله کوهی، شبانگاهی!
شکوهی اینچنین زیبا، غروری اینجنین والا!
بهنام رحیمی

Mesmerized Eyes and Pounding Pride

I was mesmerized by your eyes, your eyes were mesmerized by me!
Your pride was pounding with a thousand waves,
Your head, against the rocks of this shattered shore, smeared in your own forsaken blood!
There was a battle, there was pain, there was turmoil,
The shadow of a tiger's wrath at the peak of a mountain, at midnight!
Such beautiful grandeur, such lofty pride!
Behnam Rahimi